Blue Peter - Boat Name

The text on the boat (image is stretching here for some reason)

I was quite keen to only remove the boat name decal if I was able to replace it with a replica. Not that I will necessarily, but I wanted the option.

With this in mind, I took a few photos with the idea being to import into the computer and try to overlay with identical text in various fonts until I found a match.

As it happened, I discovered there is a website that will identify your font from an image, so on extracting a sub section of the image with the font and squaring it so it was level, I uploaded it with some degree of trepidation.

To my surprise, the the font was immediately identified as being one of just a couple. Both are quite expensive to purchase a sign in given the circumstances, but, it allowed me to find a similar font that is free to use and I can potentially thus create an image for a sign on my PC including perhaps icon(s).

The website that worked for me to identify the font was WhatTheFont. The font used in this instance is apparently one of several;

Cooper Black Italic, Cooper Black SH Italic, Cooper Black SB Italic, Cooper Black Pro Italic, Cooper BT Black Italic, Cooper BT Cooper Black Italic, etc... There were a number of others, but I think these "Cooper Black Italic" were the best visual match. The price for the cheapest font of this type (Cooper  Black Pro Italic by SoftMaker) was £9.99. If I want a perfect match, looking at the other options, it could cost as much as £35 for Cooper Black Italic by Linotype. If I go down this route, it's all good to know. In fact, Cooper Black is available for free with Windows, including the italic version, so I'm sorted.

I looked at another website, WhatFontIs and this showed my text in similar fonts to Cooper Black Italic. The closest, Fatso Italic CS was really similar, and free, but not as clear to read. I guess that's why you'd opt to pay if you want a match and don't have the font available. There were so many others that came up that show the world really is your oyster when selecting a font for this job.

Presuming I want an exact match, from measurement of the label on the boat, I was able to establish the font size 220pt if I recall correctly - giving text 720mm long from edge to edge of the lettering and 70mm tall from tip of a capital to bottom of the 'y'.