Blue Peter Dinghy - Sanding... sanding... sanding

So, I thought I'd finished the sanding... how wrong I was. Today I did some more... Naturally this then showed a few more osmosis cracks which needed the Dremel treatment. It's starting to look like a block of swiss cheese, though it is a much more stable blue throughout now. I sanded at times with 60grit in the end as it was so bad, but then back to 120 which I used for most of the top side. The 120grit all over I did today means it has likely been done at more like 180 as they were well used pieces of paper. Electric sanding proved easiest with the multi-tool and a 93mm triangle of sandpaper, but it's certainly noisier than by hand - though I think quieter than the rectangular vibrating sander. The neighbours must love it.

I had reinforced the access hatch with a sheet or so of fibreglass as it was very flexible. Hopefully it will seal even better. I also added a couple of bridges between the inner and outer hull so as to stiffen it all. Hopefully this will prove the correct course of action.

Here's a few pictures of the hull as of today. What is nice is that the colours on the photos are actually reflective of reality this time so maybe the colour is a purer one than it visually appeared before.