Blue Peter Dinghy - Gelcoat coming together

Today I finished sanding back the existing repairs. The hull is now very close to smooth (at 120grit). There are however a few dips where holes still need more filling to bring flush. I noticed today that my last colour match was a bit off - it's too blue, so I'll need to add some more white pigment and reskim these areas with the smallest quantity to correct it. This happened because I presumably didn't mix the white in right to the bottom and so as I've gone down my jam jar of pigmented gelcoat, it's turned bluer 😒. Hopefully I've enough left to finish everything off to a satisfactory level. There are a few areas on the gunnel that I noticed the fibreglass colour showing through and I added a thickness of gelcoat, but, I've typically sanded too much and it's showing again... I think I've done this twice now on one area! Very frustrating.

My final step with the gelcoat will be to skim all the leather patterned areas which are a bit damaged and dirty from gelcoat breaking out. I hope they'll retain some texture, while looking a lot cleaner and becoming possible to wash clean (presently, they never come clean).

I'm now aiming to get the whole hull filled and sanded back to a dull shine by next weekend. It may be sooner, but I've still to sand under the gunnels and the prospect is still not thrilling me.

As can be seen by the above images, something will need to be done about the poor colour match in the last batch of patches. Unfortunately, I've so little gelcoat left, this might have to be left for another tranche of repairs in the future. I am beyond annoyed at myself for this error. It's something I really can't afford to have done. Gelcoat might be cheap, but postage isn't. At the end of the job I'll total up all the costs so you might have an idea if thinking of doing something similar.